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Fleet Management

Fleet Management is used to manage vehicle and driver details for a customer.

The following functions are available:

  1. Maintain Vehicle
    1. Vehicle Product Category Limits
    2. Drivers allocated to this vehicle
    3. Vehicle Mileage
    4. Vehicle Additional Credit Limits
    5. Fleet Card Time Limits
  2. Maintain Driver
    1. Vehicles allocated to this driver

1. Maintain Vehicle

  1. Add a New Record
  2. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Registration No Enter the vehicle registration number
     Make  Enter the make of the vehicle
     Model  Enter the model of the vehicle
     Year  Enter the year in which the vehicle was manufactured
     Colour  Enter the colour of the vehicle
     Engine No  Enter the engine number of the vehicle
     Chassis No  Enter the chassis number of the vehicle
     Transmission  Enter the transmission type of the vehicle
     Fuel Type  Select the fuel type for the vehicle.The list of the fuel type is maintained under "Linkweb - Company Administration - Dropdowns - Fuel Type".
     Credit Limit  Enter the credit sale limit for the vehicle. For example,
    1. Vehicle A has a limit of $100. The cumulative fuel translation for the vehicle can not exceed $100.00.
    2. Vehicle B has a limit of $50. The cumulative fuel transaction for the vehicle can not exceed $50.00.
    3. If the vehicle credit limit is zero then the customer credit limit from customer maintenance will be validated.
     Rollover Type  Select the rollover type. The credit limit resets based on the rollover type.
    1. For example, the "Credit Limit" is set to $100 and the "Rollover Type" is monthly.
    2. On the 1st of every month
     Mileage Is Required  Tick this box to enforce mileage tracking
     Mileage Limit  Enter the Mileage Limit. Mileage limit allowed in the last "Mileage Limit Days"
     Mileage Limit Days  Enter the Mileage Limit Days
     Security PIN  Enter the PIN number of the Fleet card
     Card Serial Number  Enter the serial number of the Fleet card.
     Expiry Date  Enter the expiry date of the Fleet card.Users will not be able to use the card after expiry
     Deleted  Deleted will disable the vehicle record

1.1 Vehicle Product Category Limit

Vehicle Product Category Limit are used to limit fleet card purchases by a category of products.

  1. Add a New Record
  2. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Category  Select a product category
     Credit Limit  Enter the credit limit
     Deleted  Deleted will disable the record

1.2 Drivers allocated to this vehicle

Drivers can be mapped to a vehicle. A combination of Vehicle PIN and Driver PIN will be required to complete a fleet card sale.

If a driver is deleted or expired, the system will not allow the Driver PIN to be used.

If there are no drivers allocated to a vehicle, you will need the Vehicle PIN to complete a fleet card sale.

  1. Add a New Record
  2. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Driver  Select a driver
  3. To remove a driver, click on the delete icon.

1.3 Vehicle Mileage

Vehicle mileage shows the list of transactions for the vehicle.

  1. Edit the Record
  2. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Date  Transaction Date
     Reference No  Reference No
     Vehicle Mileage  Mileage that was recorded at point of sale. Users can change this field if the mileage was entered incorrectly.
     Fuel Quantity  Sum of quantity of "Fuel Category" items in the transaction
     Fuel Value  Value of "Fuel Category" items in the transaction
     Credit Type  Shows the credit limit used in the transaction
     Consumption per 100  Litres of fuel used to travel 100 mileage units
     Cost per unit travelled  Cost of fuel per mileage unit
     Driver  Driver details for the transaction
     Transaction Notes  Transaction Notes

1.4 Vehicle Additional Credit Limits

Additional credit limits can be issued to a vehicle. This additional limit is available for the period defined in credit limit rollover type.

To implement additional credit limit, vehicle credit limit must be used. Additional credit limit is not applicable to customer credit limit.

  1. Edit the Record
  2. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Date From System assigned date. Defaults to the current system date.
     Date To  System assigned date. Defaults to the date when the credit limit rollover will occur.
     Credit Limit  Additional credit limit
     Deleted  Deleted will disable this record

1.5 Fleet Card Time Limits

Time limits can be implemented on the fleet card. The system will reject the card to be used when scanned outside the configured time limit.

  1. Edit the Record
  2. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Days  Select the days from the list.
     Time From  Enter the time from
     Time To  Enter the time to
     Do Not Allow  Specify if the card can be used or not. Tick this box if you do not want the card to be used for the specified time.
     Deleted  Deleted will disable this record

2. Maintain Drivers

  1. Add a New Record
  2. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Name Enter the driver full name
     Address  Enter the driver's address
     Employee Number  Enter the driver's employee number
     Tax File Number  Enter the driver's tax file number
     Contact  Enter the driver's contact details
     Driver PIN  Enter the driver PIN
     Valid From  Enter the date driver is valid from
     Valid To  Enter the date driver is valid to
     Deleted  Deleted will disable the driver record

2.1 Allocating vehicles to a Driver

Vehicles can be mapped to a driver. A combination of Vehicle PIN and Driver PIN will be required to complete a fleet card sale.

  1. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Vehicle  Select a vehicle
  2. To remove a vehicle, click on the delete icon.

Figure 1: Vehicle Maintenance

Figure 2: Driver setup for a Vehicle

Figure 3: Driver Maintenance